Nixa graduate moves to Hollywood

By: Amelia Wigton, associate editor

Originally printed at

“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”

Nixa graduate Cody Brown said this Shakespeare quote is one he lives by.

Nixa graduate moves to Hollywood

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“That (quote) strikes me as more valid the more I get into acting and the more I get into life,” the 26-year-old said. “The best acting is occurring all the time throughout life. I draw a lot of similarities in real life and what I see in acting.”

In September, Brown pursued his dream of life on stage and changed the backdrop from southwest Missouri to Los Angeles.

“I have gotten my foot in the door a little bit through auditioning and (my manager) recommending me for certain projects,” Brown said.

Brown, who was involved in plays throughout his high school career at Nixa, also has his foot in the door through his part in the independent feature film “Winter’s Bone,” a critically acclaimed fiction novel by Ozarks author Daniel Woodrell. Filmed in 2009 in eastern Christian County, the film catapulted into the national spotlight when it won the Grand Jury Prize for drama at the 2010 Sundance Film Festival in Utah. Repeatedly viewed as one of the best films of the summer, the movie was nominated for four Academy Awards.

“‘Winter’s Bone’ opened my mind to the possibilities in the industry and the fact that you really don’t know where a project is heading after it’s out of your hands,” he said. “I feel like ‘Winter’s Bone’ basically helped me understand that a lot of (success) is outside the realm of skill and effort and it really is just opportunity.”

But while Brown says the “Winter’s Bone” experience was amazing, he can’t rely on it to help in Hollywood.

Dystopia: 2013

Before moving to L.A., Cody Brown starred in another locally filmed movie—”Dystopia: 2013.”

“I’m one of four main people banded together in post-apocolyptic time, reacting to what the world is now,” he said. “My character ranges from being a voice of reason character to a semi-antagonist.”

Produced and directed by local filmmaker Johnno Zee, the movie premiere is slated for 7 p.m. Jan. 15 at the Moxie in Springfield.

“I think it’s one of the best indie films I have heard of happening in this area with its budget and only local talent,” Brown said.

“Even with the notoriety of ‘Winter’s Bone,’ they are more interested in L.A. work,” he said.

So “L.A. work” is what Brown is concentrating on, attending every audition that comes his way. And trying to ensure that the big city doesn’t get in the way of his dreams.

“I feel like L.A. jades some people and really inspires other people,” he said. “It’s a total 180 from (southwest Missouri).”

But having lived there since September, Brown says the big city has inspired him. And he has found some success. He has a manager and is actively attending auditions. He has been hired for extra work, Web series and commercial-related gigs. And with pilot season starting, Brown hopes to see more success.

“For pilot season, there’s safety in numbers. You go to as many auditions as you can,” he said.

Brown’s mom, Nixa resident Candy Brown, said she is both excited and scared that her son has moved more than 1,500 miles from home.

“It makes me nervous that he is so far away, especially with crime and the economy that we see currently,” she said. “But he needs to follow his dreams and have a chance to show the world how he can shine. He is a very handsome, talented actor. We are really proud of him and hoping and praying that he is in the right place at the right time and that he and his manager can work some magic.”

While a film career is Brown’s ideal goal, he said he is keeping his options open. And, he stressed, acting is not about becoming famous and making millions. It’s about doing something he loves.

“I’m not looking for vast numbers. I would be completely happy if I was able to make a living—not making it,” he said. “What I’ve always wanted to do as an actor is to break new ground—not play it safe.”

And Candy Brown can’t agree with her son more.

“Hopefully this will be the beginning of some exciting news in Cody’s acting career,” she said. “I’ve read James Dean quoted as saying, ‘It is the journey and experience that matters, not just the end result.’”

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